
named Ugly Bad Boy

Just for Share by enysuryo N5VM6A5ZJ6RE,Animals are named Ugly Bad Boy is a cat could be other than on the other. This one not have a cat at all dibadannya except fur at the neck and his fur looks gak deh abysmally.

Ugly Bad Boy 8-year-old was forced to stay at the veterinary hospital because there would not even take care of the hospital staff had tried to offer panflet (handout.leaflet) stating that the cat's normal - like to ask for attention and friendly - like a cat -other cats,

although not attractive outward appearance. But it turns out with his performance, Ugly Bad Boy became a spectacle for tourists in Exeter, New Hampshire, USA.
"People come and take pictures with their phones. He's great. He makes the people come to think that he was not real because he just sat there not moving at all. But when he moves, he makes people afraid. but they still think if he's a charming animal, "explains Christie Hartnett, a hospital staff through Dailymail.co.uk. Bad Boy Ugly hell was not the only cats who do not have feathers. His sister was born without hair like her, but unfortunately the Ugly sisters can only survive for several weeks saja.dan he has now been 8 years old.

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