
5 Blog Quality Criteria For Link Selling

Just for Share by enysuryo N5VM6A5ZJ6RE,5 Blog Quality Criteria For Link Selling. Creating a blog is easy, you only took about 5 minutes to create a free blog and 10 minutes for a paid blog. Current constraints that many of us find is how to create a quality blog? and what benchmarks a blog called quality? Through this post, I will discuss how to create a quality blog for selling links.

Indeed there are five criteria for quality blog for selling links, namely:

Old Age blog: The older a blog, it will be increasingly favored by advertisers because of the reputation of these blogs have been created long ago. By it, before buying a domain, look for domains that have aged, at least 3 years.
High Pagerank: To Pagerank, keep your blog up for sale a minimum of PR3 link because caste is much in demand by the advertiser
Alexa Slim; Before you offer your blog to these sites should be streamlined provider of Sales Links to your blog at least once alexa under 1 million. use Entrecard or auto surf programs for melangsingkannya.
A lot of backlinks; Look for lots of backlinks by commenting on dofollow blogs and a theme with your blog.
Index google a lot; index google blog that has a small very difficult to get a job, let alone blog deindex, hehehe. To generate the index google a lot, try to multiply the blog categories and tags on each post.

You may ask, why not include other criteria and not less important in the structure of blogs such as traffict high, beautiful design, fast login and others? Throughout my experience, the 5 criteria above will determine the quality of your blog and become the main assessment for the advertiser and not menuntup chances are you will get higher bids by email obtained by the advertiser via the contact us your blog. By him, you must install the Page contact Us on your blog.

Well, to measure the five criteria above, you only need a tool that is SEOQuake mozilla firefox addon. Please look for yourself and install themselves on your mozilla.

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