
John Paul II, beatified and Occultism

John Paul II, beatified and Occultism

What lies behind the much-heralded beatification of John Paul II?
"Beatification or Necromancy?
Why the date of May 1?

Why Pope Benedict XVI hastened the beatification of this pope as a saint?
What's behind the symbols that surround this ritual of necromancy to practice on 1 May in the Vatican?

In this post we try to shed light on these questions.

The Catholic Church has announced the forthcoming beatification of John Paul II on May 1, 2011.
Beatification is the term used by the Vatican to elevate the status of a person who has died and that was considered. No matter if this person has

bled to advance Catholicism, as was the case of Ignatius of Loyola (the first black pope), founder of the Society of Jesus and one of the principal managers of the Holy Inquisition, however Ignacio de Loyola today holy day is also the Catholic Church.

A ritual of necromancy

The ancient Romans also practiced necromancy. Digging up the dead, made a ceremony around the body, invoking the spirits of demons and began to question it. This is what we see on 1 May when millions of people will bow down before the body of John Paul II and pray, invoke it, we sing, worship, etc.

Why May 1st?

Maybe many of you are wondering why, on May 1, you might say to yourself "if only that day is Labor Day." That has to be relevant to the beatification that day.
That day in Germany, the birthplace of the current Pope Benedict XVI celebrated the night of Walpurgis, and the Celts, see what Wikipedia says:
Walpurgis Night (or Valborgsmässoafton in Swedish, Walpurgisnacht in German) is a holiday celebrated on the night of April 30 to May 1 in large parts of Central and Northern Europe. It is also known as Halloween.

In ancient Rome, the month of May was sacred to the ancestors (maiores). It was a month in Europe and Asia it was believed that ghosts made their inroads among the living. In Antiquity and Middle Ages, it perpetuates a great prohibition: avoid getting married in May, because during that period runs the risk of appearing to marry a woman or a haunted the Underworld.

With the passing of time, the approximate date of the Catholic celebration of the canonization of St. Walpurgis (Valborg or Walburga) moved from February 25 (date of birth) to May 1 Walpurgis Night denominating by matching the date of conclusion to the day of St. Walpurgis in the Swedish calendar because on 1 May 870 AD his relics were transferred. That date became the day of the celebration of this saint in some calendars, coinciding with Labor Day.

It was during the Night of Walpurgis, 1776 when Adam Weishaupt founded in the Bavarian Forest (Bavaria) to the Illuminati. (1 May)

That's why the May 1, a very significant day for secret societies and that is a date mystical satanic celebration disguised as the Labour Day because it was on that date in 1776 created the company Illuminati founded by the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt and closely associated with Freemasonry, it was initially part of it, which is no research to confirm that John Paul II was a member (degree Mason 33) of the Masons, and not just him but the dome of the Vatican. If you do not believe check out the set of symbols in the architecture and infrastructure of the Vatican. The same funeral of John Paul II was a Masonic ritual.

The Pope kissed the ground of a voodoo ritual, Illuminati and Mason which means authority and possession.


Obelisk in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican obelisk perhaps most important symbol in Freemasonry. What does this at the Vatican?

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