Things like excessive pornography
Exhibitionist and the like
Too often masturbate
Like phone or internet sex
Affair which is done by many people
Risk sex (high risk sex)

Avoiding Sex Addiction
How to Overcome Sex Addiction?
If you feel you have the behavior mentioned above, the first must realize is that sexual addiction is a serious problem that will not disappear by itself. You must get treatment or therapy to cure it.
Most people find it difficult to change their own behavior. You may be able to reduce sexual activity for a while, but usually the cycle will be more frequent and difficult to cut. Therapy services from professionals can help you understand what's going on and strengthen your spirit to turn it into a more healthy sexual life.
Treating sex addiction, like other addictions, depends on the person concerned. If he could realize that his actions are wrong and there is a will to change it, the treatment becomes easier. Treatment process can be a series of therapy on sexual health, healthy relationships, marriage, or follow the program support group. Sometimes certain drugs, like Prozac or Anafranil, is required to withstand excessive sexual drive.
If your partner is experiencing sexual addiction, this is a challenge for you to help him change his behavior. You need to realize also that no one can recover from his addiction unless he accepted that he had a problem and was determined to change. Having a partner that sex addiction is hard and confusing, but it is not impossible to cure. You just need to encourage him to consult a doctor.
The ways to overcome addiction to masturbation was among 10 steps below.
1) Most importantly, be assured that you're able to overcome this problem. You've been able to resist the temptation to fornicate with your girlfriend, would you also be able to resist the temptation to get used to doing masturbation. To strengthen self confidence, self accustom to give relevant dhikr ..
2) Find out what are the circumstances that trigger yourself you get used to masturbate. For example, you used to masturbate every time you feel lonely, bored, or stressed (stress). If so, beware of yourself every time you are in a state so. In such circumstances, tanamkanlah back confidence that you're able to resist the temptation to get used to doing masturbation. Overcome a variety of circumstances that are not comfortable with the other solutions are not sexual. For example by way of dhikr.
3) Find the reasons why you were able to resist the temptation to fornicate with your girlfriend. Then berlakukanlah matters relevant to the case masturbasimu habits. For example, if you're able to resist the temptation to fornicate with your boyfriend because you respect him as high, then respect yourself as well as high.
4) Do not be alone! Always with others (who do not arouse sexual excitement), except when forced. If forced to be alone, for example in the bathroom, do not linger! Five minutes is enough. If you need a relatively long time when alone (eg in the bathroom) because of the many activities at once, separate those activities. So, bathing, shampooing, brushing teeth, etc., should be done in time does not coincide.
5) In bed, take away all the way over and other goods that can rub you the tools your gender. Also, wear pants and shirt that makes you certain difficult playing with the tool your gender. Every time you feel passion birahimu peaked at a certain place (eg in the shower or bed), beranjaklah from there. Go to other places. Meet people, ngobrollah about anything that is far from sexual stimulation.
6) Any place, avoid pornography, or even a semi-pornographic. Keep your eyes and hearing ears of all who arouse lust.
7) Every time you wake up, quickly got up with great enthusiasm. Do not get lazy.
8) Sibukkanlah yourself with the various activities that you like and away from sexual stimulation. Utamakanlah activities undertaken together with other people. For example, you like reading books and playing chess. When you feel lust rose aka sexually aroused, it's better to play chess with someone other th
9) Sibukkanlah also your mind with various things that you like and away from sexual stimulation.
10) If necessary, ask for professional help from an expert, such as psychologists and psychiatrists. Just for Share by enysuryo
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