
Due to sophisticated phones among teens

Due to sophisticated phones among teens

What happens when teenagers or teenagers who were given mobile phones in advanced puberty? Apparently, this is one threat that should concern parents.

According to new survey research institute Pew Internet and lifestyle sector, about 15 percent of adolescents in the United States at least once received nude photos or semi-naked from his friend through the phone or known by the term "sexting" (from "texting" or SMS).

A survey of 800 teenagers (ages 12 to 17 years) drawn from all U.S. states that 4 percent of adolescents is precisely the source of sexting.

Sexting about this, the female teens reported no difference with boys. As for older adolescents, who already pay their own phone bill, reportedly tend to be more naughty in sexting behavior.

Currency relations
From this survey revealed a number of teenagers admitted that sexting used as a kind of "currency" in a relationship.

"These photos can replace or intimate relationship as well complete it, or it could be a way to start and maintain dating relationships. The photographs are also distributed to friends as entertainment, whether joking or just plain funny to just," said Amanda Lenhart, a specialist senior research from Pew.

For some teenagers, sexting has become commonplace in American dating style. Giving flowers to be outdated. Some young men send naked pictures or photos of "little brother" to his girlfriend.

"About 10 pictures in a month can," said a high school student.

The survey also showed that the alleged worst fears of parents can be seen from this high school student statement, "Sometimes if more noisy with the former, might be used nude photos for blackmail ...."

In addition, most teenagers claim to feel under pressure to join in. sending nude photos of himself.

Opinions of teenagers on this sexting also vary. Some regard it as the best alternative rather than sex, and some are worried that this was illegal and was afraid his picture spread.

So what is the solution for parents? Marilyn Maxwell, a pediatrician from the University of Saint Louis, separate from the Pew survey, said the key is communication between parent and child.

"Sometimes parents are afraid to say they hope to children because they feel hypocritical. Maybe in his youth, they were naughty." Maxwell is also now involved discordant opinions in the book Questions Kids about Sex: Honest Answers for Any Age.

Maxwell's advice: do not feel hypocritical. "You should be able to beat the feeling hypocritical because you want the best for your children."

Parents are also required to give rules of the game before giving phones to children. "Parents must declare to their children from the beginning that they were entitled to read an SMS, e-mail, or electronic communication any suspicious by their children." Finally, when the kids are grown up, then keep them this way can be loosened.

"Indeed, teenagers do not need to be fed. However, your presence is required

Read More The new trend generations of i phone4

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