Mystery death of the painter Nyi roro south
Believe it or not. Painting of the Queen of South ever sacred by the inhabitants of a brothel prostitutes, whether for pelaris or so people hesitate. The painting, now in the works of Wara Anindyah School of Fine Arts in Yogyakarta Indonesia, known to his family in Magelang disappeared when moving house, but the painter did not give a damn.
"The story of my paintings are up on the localization of the charge according to the news from friends. It's the very least, I did not check," said Wara (41). More
than 20 years later Queen of South Wara painting again. However, with his chosen style of painting, in "My Name is Queen of South", the figure of the Queen of South-Mother Mother described as chubby-cheeked and bergincu, umbrella, and seemed to bother with shopping bags. Impression, Queen of South's funny.
"Ah, it's just they-fiction only, like in the movies Indonesia kinds of mystical and horror films, you know. Queen of South disguised as a human being. The roads to the mall, shopping macem-macem. Then home again to his kingdom in the depths of the South Seas, "Wara said about his work on display in the art exhibition" Queen of South and World Myth We "in Hall Soedjatmoko, Solo, 24 to 30 April 2010.
Wara was an original idea. He was against the stereotypes that influenced the culture of patriarchy, since Panembahan Senopati build the kingdom of Mataram (1587), the image of Queen of South have a perfect beauty. Mythical figure who lived in the Java community was generally perceived as negative despite the fact not so.
The fate of the artist
During this time, many stories about the painting Queen of South, as many accompanying condiments, whether it comes from the artist or broker. Whether for the sake of popularity or to jack up the price. It is not possible because, as a source of inspiration, Queen of South comes from the unseen world. Myth, a figure that could make for a plague to be indiscriminate. Often narrated the tragic fate of the artist.
For instance, a painting by Basuki Abdullah Queen of South sacred in a room at the Hotel Port of Ratu, West Java. Several times he was painted with the same subject. Lastly, before maestro naturalist painter was killed at his home in Jakarta, he reportedly came to Parangtritis, Yogyakarta. Painters from Solo, Educate Suardi, also painted Queen of South. However, a week after the painting was finished, Educate died (2001). Suhardjo (1941-1998), also a painter Solo, suffer the same fate. In the sickly state she completed a painting Queen of South, but no long interval he was turning a blind eye.
Fortunately, artists now have no fear syndrome or "damned" to a sacred figure. However, Queen of South continue to inspire visualized. There is a rational approach, there are motivated by a mystical world, some are living them as part of spiritualism.
Amid controversy about the phenomenon of Queen of South, art exhibition "Queen of South and World Myth We" feel special. The exhibition was followed by 18 artists from Solo and Yogyakarta, it shows a number of independent artists vision and interpretation, and could be the expression of their subconscious. The works that expand the horizons of the world of myth (Queen of South), with consequences beyond the boundaries of natural aesthetics.
Lucia Hartini (51), surrealist painter who more than five years of vacuum does not paint, for example, felt "compelled" and enthusiastic to participate. Why, in recent years he claimed to be intimate with that phenomenon. That said, there are several occurrences of "magic" that accompanies the process of his work. The result, Queen of South is the middle figure of a young woman floating thin clad in green clothing, long hair in a vortex and the background blue ocean waves and reef structure created by the soft shading and detail-Hartini distinctive style.
Sensual, horror
That's different from the late Suhardjo, Herri Sudjarwanto, Sumantri, Totok Buchori, Ki Gedhe Solo, also an anonymous collection of paintings Wilono Edy Kusumo, all in a naturalistic style that tends to reinforce the image of the Queen of South over the years. Herri presents a beautiful woman wearing the crown; impressed horror because there are turtles emerge from his feet, flanked by two huge red-eyed snakes.
Different horrors shown Agus Merapi which depicts the head of Queen of South together with the porous coral hills. Her hair curled jasmine flowers, blood red lips. Interestingly, the queen berkalungkan cell phone. "It's symbolic, so many people now who want contact with the Queen of South with a selfless individual," said Agus.
"Nyi Queen of South" in the eyes Sumantri is a beautiful female figures, sensual, long-haired with a swollen chest. "Arc of her eyes and her wanton lust implies the inevitable," said Sumantri. Similar vision seen in the work of Ki Gedhe Solo, "Transcendental". Strangely, the man who works as an alternative healer is to choose Aria Giovanni, a porn star from the U.S., as a model because they represent the image of Queen of South. "I chose after watching thousands of files a beautiful woman," he said.
Conversely, Totok Buchori imaged as Queen of South female faces shaded palace, emerged from behind a window. While the "I'm Coming" by VA Sudiro (71)-which depicts a man and a woman dressed Java overlooking the beach below the violet sky-we capture the impression of surrealism Kejawen.
Queen of South myth turned out to be interpreted freely. Queen of South Yulianti Dyah identified as the mother and source of life. "The Realm of Spirit" was a surprise; style of painting which ekspresionistik featuring female figures in the middle gebyuran blue and white paint. We get a similar free commentary on Teddy D, "Greet Southern Star": a child star in the middle menjumput a scattered "months" in the sky.
The installation work of Ivan Sagito, "Collective Irrationality"; line 11 from the bun hair bronze material, showed a myth in society is the result of irrational thoughts together. The Nasirun offers us the "face" Queen of South over 13 small panels with teak wood frame utilizing porous. An experimental work that was subtle about the controversial subject.
Painting "Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun" is a commentary Djoko yell (73) that the attitude of excessive menghamba alit on the king's subjects had been deliberately constructed through the myths of marriage the king and Queen of South Java. It was none other than a ruse to reinforce the authority and power of the king. Funny thing is, in a somewhat caricature painting, which a king is his own cries.
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