A Mother's Joy of Living Eating Chicken

Miskaulah, 38, Hamlet Do Asem, Village Trompoasri, Jabon district, Sidoarjo regency, had a strange habit. He used to eat a live chicken.
Every day, he ate two chickens alive. "Back then, every day can spend five chickens," said Miskaulah, Wednesday, June 15, 2011.
Custom of eating live chickens were dilakoninya since the age of 10 years. "I think (eating a live chicken) and sweet warm," said community radio broadcasters in Sidoarjo Tanggulangin it.
Penchant to eat live animals appear because of economic limitations issue. Initially, when it was, he helped his father to work making bricks. Because there was no food, he was forced to eat crab or crab straight times alive.
He was hooked and can not take off her habit to eat live animals. In fact, he does not like to eat rice and other food. Luckily, two of his children was disgusted and did not follow the habit.
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Custom of eating live animals that once made him wretched. At that time, he consumes live snakes. Before long, his face was swollen due to snake venom poisoning. Since then, he is undeterred and not interested in eating venomous animals. Now, he prefers to eat live chickens than any other animal. "More good chicken," said Mama Pretty, familiar greeting in community radio.
To stop the habit of eating live animals, Miskaulah therapy in Sidoarjo Regional Hospital.
Nerve Specialists, Syamsul Rahmadi, explaining if the habit Miskaulah not impaired. Diet occurred since childhood. According to him, ate and drank the blood of live animals is not sterile. "The blood of bacteria and harmful," he said.
Miskaulah also undergo psychiatric therapy to end the habit. During therapy, he was forbidden to eat animals alive, while his diet changed as before. Miskaulah hoping to stop the habit of eating live animals.
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