It is strange these protesters, we usually see a demo with fully dressed and neat, and bring those attributes to the demo. But this is different from 180 degrees with the protesters below. want to know? directly aje nih 10 Demo With Nude Ways.
1.Telanjang protest against the fighting bulls in Pamplona.

Since 2002 the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has protested the day before the festival of San Fermin in Pamplona, Spain. In a mockery of the world famous spectacle of the battle the Bulls chasing the crowd of runners, half-naked animal rights activists to run through the city followed the same route. Under the slogan "Join the Human Race" PETA is trying to draw attention to the suffering of the bull, who was killed after running on the same night at the Bullfighting arena. Pamplona mixed reaction from the community, from anger to amusement at the sight. Naked Run to be part of the festival and thousands of spectators line the route to entertain or seduce the demonstrators.
2.Protes against sending troops to Afghanistan in London With Yoga How to bare.

In May 2010, a naked woman traffic stop near the Houses of Parliament, by climbing into a black cab to 'protest yoga' five minutes. He was yelling 'Troops from Afghanistan', as a taxi driver tries to shift and look at tourists.
3.Protes Demands Right to bare-chested in the Los Angeles Public. is a U.S. organization that claims that women have the same constitutional right to bare-chested in public places as men. They often promote (topless) gather to claim their rights.
4.Protes Naked To Oppose Increase in fuel prices high at Gas Station in Germany.

A German rider naked protest against high fuel prices during Easter by filling the tank on an unnamed banteng.Pria arrived at Renault Scenic at the Shell gas station on the A9 motorway at Bad Klosterlausnitz, Germany, wearing only a pair of black shoes. The station manager Frank Hollmotz, 25, said: "I guess he did not want his feet dirty. He came out of the car in full view of CCTV cameras and fills - then walk to the store to pay. He then returned to the front yard and got into his car and go .
5.Pengendara naked bike protest to Request an extensive bike path and more in Peru.

Naked cyclists ride a bicycle during a protest to demand more from the bike path that the city government and more respect for cyclists from motorists in Lima, Peru, on March 13, 2010.
6.Protes Security Check to Oppose Way Nude In Germany.

In 2010, scantily clad Pirate Party supporters at the airport in Germany showed some to show their opposition to the controversial "naked" scanners planned for security checks. Despite the cold temperatures outside, the protesters gathered group of nearly naked at the airport in Berlin,
Frankfurt and Düsseldorf. The participants stripped down to their underwear, lined up behind signs that read: - ("No need to scan us, we're naked."
7.Protes to support Brazilian students expelled from universities for wearing a mini dress.

Brazilian students protested with banners and no underwear in support of the Brazilian students Geysi Arruda in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Universidade Bandeirante (Uniban) Arruda had been expelled for "not respecting the ethical principles of striking, academic dignity and morality," in a statement published in several newspapers. More than 250 people showed up naked or wearing little to fight sexism in Brazilian universities.
8.Protes against global warming on glaciers in the Swiss Alps

In 2007 six hundred people shed their clothes on the glacier in the Swiss Alps to the body's cry for help against the planetary emergency: global warming. The nude volunteers posed for renowned installation artist Spencer Tunick on the Aletsch glacier. If global warming continues at the current rate, most glaciers in Switzerland will completely disappear by 2080, leaving nothing but valleys and slopes strewn with rock debris. Over the last 150 years, alpine glaciers have reduced in size by approximately one third of the surface and half of their mass, and this melting Aletsch mempercepat.Glacier retreated 115 meters (377 feet) in a single year from 2005 to 2006.
9. protests over the meat in a plastic tray in Kansas City.

In one recent PETA protest, a pair of nearly naked woman covered in fake blood was turning heads at the Country Club Plaza in May 2010. The couple volunteers PETA campaigning against the consumption of animal flesh. Both women were wrapped in plastic, lay in what resembled meat trays. Other volunteers held signs that read "Meat is murder" and passed out literature to passersby.
10.Protes Nude The Harlot for the right to look sexy and curvaceous in a public place in Bolivia.

About 50 prostitutes have threatened to march naked in the streets of El Alto in Bolivia after locals closed the bar strip. Not surprisingly, local residents who usually have to pay to get eyeful of plump beauty did not meet their demands. The stripper who doubles as a prostitute in South American countries also said they would refuse to eat until the strip joints and bars which they ply their trade in re-opened. "We've all taken our HIV-AIDS testing and we're going on a hunger strike," said protest leaders at the local AIDS clinic where the street workers have been hiding.
Weeks before the El Alto residents demonstrated outside the bar 32 cities and places of entertainment force them to close, complaining that they are interested in criminals and is a bad influence on children anak.Perkiraan unofficially put the number of prostitutes in El Alto at between 400 and 500.
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