Crusade is a collection of waves of armed religious conflict that was started by the Christians in the period 1095 - 1291; usually sanctioned by the Pope on behalf of the Christian Religion, with the aim to regain control of Jerusalem and "Holy Land" from Muslim rule and was originally launched as a response to the request of the Byzantine Empire which Eastern Orthodox Christians to resist the expansion of the Muslim Seljuk dynasty into Anatolia.
The term is also used for small expeditions that occurred during the 16th century in the region outside the Continent, usually against the pagans and the non-Christians to excuse a mixture of religious, economic and political. Traditional numbering scheme for the Crusades put nine major expeditions to the Holy Land during the 11th century until the 13th century. "Crusade" which is not numbered continued until the 16th century and ended when the political and religious climate in Europe changed significantly during the Renaissance period. Crusade is not essentially a religious war, but a regional war to seize power. It is proved that the Crusaders and the Muslim soldiers exchanging knowledge. Crusade immense influence on the political aspects, economic and social, which some even still in effect until the present.
Due to internal konfilk between Christian kingdoms and political powers, some crusading expeditions (such as the Fourth Crusade) shifted from their original goals and end up with a sack Christian cities, including the Byzantine capital, Constantinople. Sixth Crusade was the first crusade in contrast without the official blessing of the Catholic church, and give examples and precedents that allow authorities to individually call for another crusade in the next expedition to the Holy Land. The internal conflict between the Muslim kingdoms and political powers had resulted in the alliance between one faction against the other factions such as the alliance between the forces of the Crusaders by the Muslim Sultanate of Rum in the Fifth Crusade.
Western European conditions
The origin of the idea of the crusade is a development that occurred in Western Europe before the Middle Ages, while also decreasing the influence of the Byzantine Empire in the east which is caused by a new wave of Turkish Muslim attacks. Rupture of the Carolingian Empire in the late 9th Century, combined with a steady boundary-Christian Europe after the lawyer's nations Vikings, Slavs and Magyars, had made a class of armed warriors whose energies are used in one to fight with each other and terrorize the local population. The Church tried to suppress the violence that occurred through movements and Treuga Pax Dei Dei. This effort was considered successful, however, experienced warriors who are always looking for a place to channel their strengths and opportunities to expand the territory becomes increasingly unattractive. Except in the event of the Reconquista in Spain and Portugal, which at the time of the Iberian knights and other troops from several places in Europe to fight against the Islamic Moors, who previously managed to invade and conquer most of the Iberian Peninsula in the period of two centuries.
In 1063, Pope Alexander II gave the papal blessing to Iberian Christians to fight the Muslims. Pope gives blessing papal both standard and forgiveness for anyone who was killed in the fighting. Thus, the demand coming from the Byzantine Empire was threatened by Muslim Seljuks, to the attention of everyone. This occurred in 1074, from Emperor Michael VII to Pope Gregory VII and again in 1095, from Emperor Alexius I Comnenus to Pope Urban II.
Crusade is a picture of intense religious impulse that erupted at the end of the 11th century in the community. A soldier of the Cross, after giving his sacred oath, will receive a cross from the pope or his representative, and since that time will be considered a "soldier of the church". In part this is because of the Investiture Controversy, which took place beginning in 1075 and still ongoing during the First Crusade. Because both parties involved in the Investiture Controversy trying to attract public opinion, then the society becomes personally involved in a dramatic religious conflict. The result is the Christian spirit and awakening public interest in religious matters. This was later strengthened by religious propaganda about the War for Justice to take back the Holy Land - which included Jerusalem (where the death, resurrection and the rapture of Jesus into Heaven occurs according to Christian doctrine) and Antioch (the first Christian city) - from Muslims.
Furthermore, "Atonement" is a decisive factor in this case. This is a boost for everyone who ever felt guilty for looking for ways to escape from eternal damnation in Hell. This issue is hotly debated by soldiers of the cross about what exactly the meaning of "atonement" is. Most of them believe that by re-took Jerusalem, they will be guaranteed to go to heaven when they died. However, the controversy that happened was exactly what was promised by the pope in power at that time. One theory states that if a person died when the fight for Jerusalem is the "penance" applies. This theory is close to what was said by Pope Urban II in his speeches. This means that if the crusaders captured Jerusalem, then the people who survived the battle would not be "redemption". Another theory states that if someone had come to Jerusalem, the person will be freed from his sins before the Crusades. Therefore, the person will remain able to go to Hell if you do sin after the Crusades. All factors that gave public support to the First Crusade and the religious revival in the 12th century.
Middle East situation
The presence of Muslims in the Holy Land to be seen since the Arab conquest of PalestinaYerusalemByzantium the Eastern Orthodox Christian. in the 7th century. This is actually not really affect the pilgrimage to the holy places of the Christians or the security of monasteries and Christian communities in the Holy Land was Christian. Meanwhile, the nations of Western Europe are not too concerned over under their control - which are far away in the East - until they themselves begin to face the invasion of the Islamic people and nations such as non-Christian Vikings and Magyars. However, the armed forces who managed to put pressure Muslimlah strong to rule the Empire
Another turning point that affects the view of the West to East is when the year 1009, Bani Fatimiah caliph, Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah ordered the destruction of the Holy Sepulchre Church (Church of the Holy Sepulchre). Allow his successor the Byzantine Empire to build the church back and allow the pilgrims to make pilgrimages in that place again. However, many reports circulating in the West about Muslim atrocities against Christian pilgrims. Reports obtained from the pilgrims who returned it later played an important role in the development of the Crusades at the end of that century.
Direct Cause
The immediate cause of the First Crusade was Emperor Alexius I petition to Pope Urban II to help put a halt to the invasion of the Byzantine Empire Muslim army into the territory of the empire. In 1071, the Battle of Manzikert, the Byzantine Empire had been defeated by Muslim forces defeat the Seljuk and this led to the mastered almost all parts of Asia Minor (modern Turkey). Although East-West conflict between the Catholic church last seldang West with Eastern Orthodox church, Alexius I expect a positive response on the petition. However, the response obtained is very large and only slightly beneficial to Alexius I. Pope calls for a large invasion force to not only defend the Byzantine Empire, but to retake Jerusalem.
When the First Crusade in 1095 echoed the Christian princes of IberiaGalicia and Asturias, Basque country and Navarre, with a high success rate, over a hundred years. The fall of the Moors in 1085 ToledoKerajaan Leon is a great victory. The lack bersatuan Muslim rulers is an important factor, and the Christians, who left the women in the rear, very difficult to beat. They do not know anything other than fighting, they have no gardens or libraries to be maintained. The Christian knights feel that they fought in a foreign environment filled with unbelievers so that they can do and destroy whatever he wants. All these factors will then be played back on the field of battle in the East. Spanish historians see that the Reconquista is the great power of the Castilian character, with the feeling that the highest good is to die in battle defending the Christianity of a State. was fighting to get out of the mountains to
Conditions After the First Crusade
First Crusade release a wave of the most sacred feelings of his own spirit is expressed by a massacre of Jews that accompanied the movement of Europeans across the Crusaders and also the harsh treatment of Eastern Orthodox Christians. Violence against Orthodox Christians culminated in the looting of Constantinople in 1024, where all the crusader forces participated. During the attacks against the Jews, local pastors and Christians trying to protect Jews from the Crusaders who passed by. The Jews were often given refuge in churches or other Christian buildings, however, the ruthless mass is always broken through and killing them indiscriminately.
In the 13th century, the crusade never reached a high level of popularity in the community. After the city of Acre fell for the last time in 1291 and after the destruction of the Occitan (southern France) are sensible Catharism the Albigensian Crusade, the crusade idea of the value decline caused by the justification of political institutions and the Papacy against the aggression that occurred in the Catholic regions of Europe.
Knights Cross of the Order of the region is to maintain the order of the Knights Hospitaller. After the final fall of Acre, the order is to master the island of Rhodes and in the 16th century exiled to Malta. The soldiers of the Cross the latter was finally dissolved by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1798.
The legacy of the European Continent
Crusades always remembered by the nations of Western Europe during the Crusades in which the Roman Catholic countries. It, too, the many criticism against the Crusades in the countries of Western Europe in the Renaissance period.
Politics and Culture
Crusade profound influence on medieval Europe. At that time, most of the continents were united by the power of the Papacy, but in the 14th century, the development of centralized bureaucracies (the foundation of modern nation-state) is being rapidly in France, England, Burgundy, Portugal, Castilian and Aragonese. This is partly driven by the dominance of the early church crusade.
Although continental Europe has been in contact with Islamic culture for centuries through the relationship between the Iberian Peninsula with Sicily, much knowledge in the fields of science, medicine and architecture of Islamic world are absorbed into the Western world during the crusade.
Crusade military experience also have an influence in Europe, such as for example, the castles in Europe began to use material from rocks that thick and large like the ones made in the East, no longer use wood as before. In addition, the Crusaders are considered as carriers of European culture to the world, especially Asia.
Together with trade, inventions and creation, creation science has only reached the east or west. Advancement of Arab nations, including the development of algebra, lenses and others reached the west and increase the pace of developments in European universities which then leads to the Renaissance in later centuries.
The need to load, deliver and provide a large army of foster trade throughout Europe. The streets were largely not been used since the time of Roman occupation, see the biggest increase is caused by traders who intend to develop their business. This is not just because of the Crusades of Europe prepares to travel but rather because many people want to travel after being introduced to the products from the east. It also helps in the early days of the Renaissance in Italy, because many in the Italian city-states that since the beginning of a relationship is important and lucrative trade with the countries of the Cross, both in the Holy Land and later in areas of former Byzantium.
The growth of trade brought many things to Europeans that they were not previously known or very rare and very expensive. These items include a variety of spices, ivory, precious stones, glass manufacturing techniques are advanced, an early form of gunpowder, oranges, apples, the results of other Asian plants and more.
The success of Catholic Europe to preserve, however, can not ignore the fall of the Christian Byzantine Empire, which is mostly caused by violence crusader on the Fourth Crusade against the Eastern Orthodox Christians, especially the cleaning done by the famous Enrico Dandolo, the Venetian authorities and sponsors of the Fourth Crusade . Land Christian Byzantium is a stable state since the 4th century. After the Crusaders took over Constantinople in 1204, Byzantium was never again be as big or as strong as before and finally fell in 1453.
Seeing what happened to Byzantium, the Crusades more can be described as Roman Catholic resistance to the expansion of Islam, Christianity as a whole rather than fight against Islamic expansion. On the other hand, the Fourth Crusade could be called an anomaly. We can also take a compromise between the two opinions above, in particular that the Crusades were Roman Catholic primary way to save Catholicism, which is the main objective is to fight Islam and the second goal is to try to save to Christianity, in this context, the Crusades All four can be said to ignore the second goal to obtain logistical support for Dandolo to achieve the main goal. Even so, the Fourth Crusade was opposed by the Pope at that time and is generally remembered as a big mistake.
Islamic World
Crusade has a bad effect, but localized in the Islamic world. Where the similarities between "The Frank" with "Crusaders" are very deep scars. Muslims have traditionally hailed Saladin, a Kurdish warrior, a hero of the Crusades. In the 21st century, most of the Arab world, such as the Arab independence movement and Pan-Islamism movement still continued to refer to the involvement of the West in the Middle East as a "crusade". Crusades seen by the Islamic world as cruel and vicious massacre by Christian Europe.
Long-term consequences of war to destroy the cross, according to historian Peter Mansfield, is a mental formation of the Islamic world that tend to pull away. According to Peter Mansfield, "attacked from various directions, turning the Muslim world to itself. He became very sensitive and defensive ... ... attitudes that grew worse with the development of the world, a process by which the Muslim world felt excluded, continued. "
Jewish Community
Crusaders violence against Jews in the cities in Germany and Hungary, recently also occurred in France and England, and the massacre of Jews in Palestine and SyriaAnti-Semitic, although no one has ever crusade echoed against the Jews. These attacks leave deep scars and a bad impression on both sides for centuries. Social position of Jews in Western Europe are declining and restrictions increased during and after the Crusades. This paved the way for the legalization of Anti-Semitism by Pope Innocent III and formed a turning point for anti-Semitic medieval. become an important part in history
Crusade period expressed in many Jewish narrative. Among the narratives, which is famous records Solomon bar Simson and Rabbi Eliezer bar Nathan, "The Narrative of the Old Persecution" written by the Mainz Anonymus and "Sefer Zekhirah" and "The Book of Remembrance" by Rabbi Ephrain of Bonn.
Caucasus Mountains
In the Caucasus Mountains in Georgia, in the remote highlands Khevsureti, there is a tribe called Khevsurs which is considered a direct descendant of a crusader group separate from the main army and remained in a state of isolation with most cultural crusade that is still intact. Entering the 20th century, relics of armor, weaponry and clothing chains are still in use and continue down in the community. Ethnografi Russia expert, Arnold Zisserman who spent 25 years (1842-1862) in the Caucasus mountains, believing that the group from the highlands of Georgia are descendants of the last Crusaders under the customs, language, art and other evidence. American explorer Richard Halliburton saw and recorded the customs of this tribe in 1935.
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