
The extremes Planking Photo


The extremes Planking Photo likes Their Someone needs to get your carry-on plank from the overhead planking bin.The fine art of planking, where people are photographed face down with arms and legs stiffened, has already swept out of Australia and taken the world by storm . Formally called "the laying down game," it has encouraged people to Produce Surprising and surreal images That have entertained Millions. This, our humble collection, Chronicles what we regard as the finest plankers the Internet has to offer. If you're inspired to plank yourself, do so with caution; planking has already cost people jobs and Their Their lives. Keep reading below, and plank safe!

1.Their Someone needs to get your carry-on plank from the overhead planking bin

2.Best dressed plank.

3.planking Nothing on TV.

4.The structural integrity of planking.

5.I love how it appears as if this planker drifted in on the wind.


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