
Zodiac Forecast This Week (11 to 17 May 2011)

Zodiac Forecast This Week (11 to 17 May 2011)

2010 zodiac forecast today
Update again Forecast This Week Zodiac Horoscope Weekly is always updated every day's date 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 May 2011.

PISCES (February 19-March 20)
General: Prepare a strategy before then go to the field is a good idea. But do not be nice if you just prepare it without practice. For that you should try to get rid of lazy in the sense of self and be more focused on what you already planned.

Love: Following the emotions and passion alone will make you disappointed you know, especially for those who are still single. If only the pursuit of status, you will more easily hurt and vulnerable.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

General: All of it is its stages, so you can not do everything with as good heart. Patience is indeed forever be the toughest test for you. As long as you can follow the plot, you will not see big trouble. Because like all quickly finished and done, you seem to do everything in a rush this week. Remember, all the existing process, if you do a rush finally missed a lot of important things.

Love: It may be that you are too urgent and cornered the him, so he was so uncomfortable and even avoided. Excessive jealousy it will never bring good effect, consequently it is today, the he was not even close, but even away.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19)

General: Being too self-centered it will damage your reputation. Try to think of others' viewpoints. Indeed, once you've felt disappointed, and felt humiliated, but that does not mean that now is the time of revenge. Career success is very influential in your relationship, so do not let your mood messy and ultimately affected the relationship.

Love: Feeling is correct and the he who needs to change? Not always like that, dear. Sometimes you also have to look inward. Improvement of relations is not only couples who have to do it, but it must be done together. For those who are still single, he's not for you. Do not be sad and cry.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18)

General: Keeping emotions is something not easily done, especially if some people try to make you angry by doing things that are less pleasant. You need support from someone who appreciates you. Avoid from someone who appreciates you. Avoid colleagues who would actually make the "mood" you are destroyed. Never mind their unpleasant attitude. Focus only on your initial goal.

Love: Do not do anything that extreme in the week. Avoid quarrels because your emotions are not good.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

General: Think about again, what really makes you feel depressed this week? Yes, you may put the target too high, so you think so too hard to achieve it. It is true, it should be good targets, but if too high you actually feel burdened. If your mood up and down, try to find a moment to chat with friends.

Love: That in the past has led to disagreement with the him this week. The past should not be remembered and not make weight in a relationship. You better be honest with the him what really happened, and more focus on the present course. Surrender of the future will ease your stride.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

General: There is a chance for you who are still "single" in this week to get to know the figures interesting. It's just that you should be able to open your heart and do not constantly feel afraid. This week there is a feeling you feel upset, it looks like you too much to think about romance. Avoid matters relating to borrowing money, better be careful with this problem.

Love: For those who are still single, it is better not to waste this week to let grief interfere with mood. Find fun activities that can raise your mood. Who knew there was interesting figure who is waiting for you out there.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

General: I was so excited, you forget to pamper yourself and indulge too late in the activities of others. Give a little time for yourself this week, do not let yourself cranky for not getting enough attention. Avoid colleagues who would actually make the "mood" you are destroyed. Never mind their unpleasant attitude. Focus only on your initial goal.

Love: Try to listen to complaints from couples who feel less attention lately. Just like yourself, was the lover can protest too. For those who are single, began to feel doubt? Do not be hurried retreat, as they may indeed you are too fixated on the past. The fear and trauma that is difficult for you to forget, but not to make you want to be alone forever.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

General: Due to a perfectionist attitude, you often have problems with other people. Indeed you have an opinion you want retained, but that does not mean you should ignore the input of others right? Just be more careful when expressing opinions, however you can not be hard at all times. Show gentle attitude does not mean you lose anyway, you will reap it a lot of sympathy from others.

Love: Your Stars this week indicates that you are easily misunderstood and quick suspicion. Try to think more positively and throw away the bad thoughts from your mind. Belief in the pair is very important in a relationship, if you want lasting, do not easily jealous and suspicious. Couples do not like merely suspected.

LEO (July 22 to August 22)

General: The issue of trust will disturb your mind, make you restless and disappointed. Previously you really believe in someone, but unfortunately you are disappointed. No need to take heart, understand, just because everyone has its own objectives. It's important for you to maintain good relations, even if there is a sense of disappointment in you.

Love: If there is disagreement on this week, you should not have to think seriously. After all, a misunderstanding in a relationship is normal. At the end of the week there will be a great opportunity for you to get closer to him. Take advantage of good!

VIRGO (August 22 to September 22)

General: The real problem you are facing right now is not a financial problem. Only, indeed you less careful in the arrangements. You also need to focus on goals, and not merely compare the results with others. If you can try harder, then the result would be in vain.

Love: Set your priorities, cermatlah divide their time between career and romance, especially for those who are still single. For professional couples, even if you have a couple who do not wait too frequently to bother him. If you continue to disturb, patience will be thinner and even disappear.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22)

General: Praise is not to make someone become arrogant, especially praise is the motivation that you can do better. Increase confidence and your achievements, do your best to dream, not just looking for praise alone. Finance, set aside more provisions perdapatan you for the future.

Love: Accusing too fast is one of your bad habits. This is what lead to fights that often occur with a partner. Obviously he's not comfortable if this continues, because it's too easy to suspect you. Does this really is the relationship you want?

SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21)

General: Although there are some annoying things, but your spirit is pretty good week. Fixed guard "mood" you yes, and listen to input from others. There are some major changes you'll meet in this week, including a surprise in terms of career. Still trying to discipline in all things, nothing to lose really applies more.

Love: romantic Sunday is worth to be celebrated. Give plenty of time to partner with the spoil. You know you rarely have time for him like a week in.

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