
7 Reasons Why Women Should Virgin Untill Marriage

7 Reasons Why Women Should Virgin Untill Marriage

Why girls should still Virgin? To this question seems a lot of answers can be given, it all depends or return to each individual. However, in recent times that had been free it's good to know what are the losses if you do pre-marital sex.

The risk of pre-marital sex of all people would have to know, that is PREGNANT and finally MBA aka Married By Accident (if already gini who is shy ...). In addition, it is with pre-marital sex are at risk of contracting venereal disease, and so forth. Actually the reason above is enough to make for not doing pre-marital sex. But there are many other reasons that need to be known

ok this the reasons:N5VM6A5ZJ6RE

1. Pre Sex Marriage cause you'll be haunted by feelings of guilt
Once you do that, and although perhaps no one knows, the guilt will always haunt. Even so you will be able to hate yourself for not able to resist pressure to have sex. Feelings like this do not dominate, but usually will always appear every time and will always be a part of you.

2. Because you can be a "sexual person" and things will never again be the same as before
As if you never try something other additive objects, then there are times when a sense of desire or craving to come. As a result, the mind will be filled with sex and interfere with concentration for other things.
In other words: precocious.

3. Pre Sex Marriage will change the way of view about sex - forever
Sex should be something sacred and to be very beautiful if done by the couple. But if done before marriage, it could be turned into sex as something "dirty" and forbidden. This viewpoint could continues embedded in your mind, even after you get married later. Unfortunately right?

4. You will be hard to escape from "the first one"
Usually the girls feel the bond that is difficult released with a guy who has he provided virginitasnya. It has nothing to do with fear in case there is no other guy who will accept him after no virgin. This psychological problem. In fact, the guy is not necessarily feel the same.

5. Because you're dating relationship can turn into "all about sex"
Premarital couples who have been engaging in sex usually will always have a hidden agenda. When and where will do it .... Not infrequently because of their schedule this secret had to lie, to anyone. The forms of attention will be biased. Is it really sincere or just sex. In fact, sometimes being a great fight would be instantly better just because of sex, and forget the real issue.

6. Pre Sex Marriage, then you will never enjoy a honeymoon paradise
Because it used to do pre-marital sex, then the honeymoon is supposed to fun and romantic, is going to be like a regular vacation. There will never be something that is memorable for the rest of your life.

7. Since you can maintain the reputation and do not want to "regret" at a later date
Most likely, your friends will know if a guy has sex with her boyfriend. So this is a secret ... ... ... ...

Just for Share by enysuryo

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