
Vampire in this day..... believe or not

Vampire in this day believe or not
Legend of the blood-sucking creatures are scattered in almost all parts of the world, and therefore, would be very difficult to deny its existence.

Vampire in history

4,000 years ago, residents of the ancient Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of familiar figures who greatly feared named Lamastu. Demon goddess is believed to prey on humans, sucking the blood and spread disease.

While in the Jewish culture, is known figure called Lilith. In the legend of the Vampire, Vampire Lilith is believed to be the first in the world. He was described as a female demon who likes to come at night to steal a baby or a fetus that is still in the womb. Lilith story was inspired by the possibility of considering Lamastu Jews exiled to Babylon had thousands of years ago.

However, most of us do not know Lamastu or Lilith. We are more familiar with famous figures like Dracula Vampire. Vampire of this type, which we often watch through the film, most of it is influenced by the vampire version of Europe.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, vampire hysteria had swept Europe. Many European populations are reported seeing their family who have died back to life and walking in the countryside as well as attacking other people.

This hysteria and then lead the government to intervene. They dismantle the grave suspects a vampire, piercing the chest of the corpse with sharp sticks and burn the corpse. The fear of vampires spread throughout Europe, causing the vampire becomes an object of academic speculation, poetry, painting and even literature. Bram Stoker's novel Dracula is one of them.

Bram Stoker vampire story select few and then add some details of his creation of characters that later became the standard for the modern vampire. From Bram Stoker also, some unique vampire characters are added. For instance Vampire, Dracula in this case, have no shadow of self-reflection in the mirror. Whereas the European folk tales even tell if a vampire is a narcissistic character who likes fascinated by his face when the mirror.

After Bram Stoker, vampire characters began to evolve in the hands of the writers and Hollywood film makers who came later, such as Anne Rice, Joss Whedon or Stephenie Meyer.

Then the question now is, is there a vampire in the world today?

Simply amazing, because to look at the modern vampire, I surf the internet and found very many websites created by those who claim to be a vampire.

However, all of the website acknowledge that the portrayal of the vampire characters in Hollywood films is excessive. According to them, vampires are human beings and for some reason has one or more characters Hollywood vampire.

In the movies, vampires portrayed as a corpse back to life, has fangs, sucking blood, burnt by the sun, afraid of garlic and religious relics such as crosses or holy water. They are also believed to be immortal, able to fly, powered robust, pale-faced and sleep in coffins. When sucking blood, they go after the victim's neck and the victim will be turned into a vampire as well.

If you ask, is there any creature that has all the characteristics of the above in this world? I would answer no. Characters on the character creation is a writer and filmmaker. So, do not expect any lasting vampire community with the elders who led the secret headquarters as we saw in the movie Blade or Underworld.

However, as I said above. In modern times, there is a group of people who believe they are a vampire, but with different definitions. This identification could arise because they have one or more Holywood vampire traits, such as fear of the sun or drink the blood.

So, I would invite you to see a little about these groups and their proposed claim.

Vampire lifestyle
Those who belong to the vampire kind are those who are interested in the vampire lifestyle they see in movies. But, not merely idolized, they even really committed to living the life as a vampire. they will be dressed as Gothic and put white powder on the face. They also formed a vampire clans like in the movies. But this group admitted that they did not have supernatural powers or drink the blood.

Sanguine Vampire
Sanguine means blood red. This type of vampire is a vampire lifestyle that went further by drinking human blood. Does not mean having to drink one glass of blood. Normally they just add a few drops of blood into their drinks. Sometimes, they even can find volunteers who are willing to hurt his hand so that blood can be smoked. Some of these sanguine vampire eventually became addicted to the blood so that they will continue to look for human blood to drink.

This is natural, because when someone drinks the blood, it can be exposed to a disease called Reinfeld's Syndrome (Vampiric syndrome). The disease is caused by the habit of drinking excessive amounts of blood that causes chemical reactions in the body that cause addiction.

Those who drank the blood is usually also believe that the blood will give them strength and incredible energy. This practice can also be found in isolated tribes like the Maasai tribes of Africa. Genghis Khan Mongolian period is also used to mixing their milk with the blood which is believed to increase courage and strength.

Vampire Psychopaths
If we only restrict the definition of a vampire with a creature that drank blood, then some of the serial killer deserves the nickname as a Vampire. In the early 20th century, Peter Kurten to nine murders and seven attempted murder. He is called to achieve sexual orgasm when he saw his victims' blood and sometimes even like licking it. Therefore Peter Kurten earned the nickname "The Vampire of Dussledorf".
ichard Trenton Chase, the other killer, also received a similar nickname, "The Vampire of Sacramento". He killed 6 people and drank their blood.

But the most remarkable is perhaps Manuela Ruda and her husband, Daniel, who is from Germany.

They killed a man named Frank Hagen aged 33 years under a banner that reads the sentence, "When Satan Lives". Then, the couple drank the blood of his victims and having sex in a coffin.

When in court, Ruda testified:

"We met many people who offered their blood for us to drink. In London, we are in touch with a lot of vampire. We drank blood from living people. I have a canine animal which I planted in the mouth so much easier to bite. Then, I sharpen My other gear. We studied the veins which must be bitten and we slept in the cemetery. One day we were digging a grave and sleep in it just to see how it feels. Over the last 2.5 years, I have the devil in the soul I am. "The couple also believe that they will be reincarnated as a Vampire. They used to sacrifice goats and chickens before they expand it to human sacrifice.

It sounds very vampire, or vampire psychopath. But, from the testimony we know that this couple has created his own character. They are not born with canine teeth and the desire to drink blood. They acknowledge that got interested in vampirisme when he was dealing with the devil.

Psychic Vampire (Vampire paranormal)
Vampire type is often called Pranic Vampire. They are also derived from the vampire lifestyle, but with an inner reason to get energy from outside sources and they claim to have the ability to suck energy from those around him. If people get together with this type of vampire in a room, then people in the room will feel weak because their energy is consumed by a psychic vampire.

Entahkah this phenomenon is real or not, it is difficult to prove. However, the vampire kind are admitted if they have their own techniques for energy prey on others.

Vampire Due to Illness
As I said above. In modern times, a person can be called as a vampire because he has one or more characters Hollywood vampire. This is one example.

This kind of human vampire is affected by a rare disease called Porphyria. This disease causes the human body experiencing irregularity Heme production, a pigment that is rich in iron in the blood, so the question will be sensitive to ultraviolet or sunlight. If exposed to light just a little, their skin would be damaged. Lips and teeth they will be more red so it looks like an animal. In severe cases, nose and fingers in question could even be off by itself. .

Therefore, this disease will avoid sunlight and only come out at night.

Due to this disorder, naturally, the mechanism of the body will make this disease becomes more hairy to protect the skin from the sun. Dr.David Dolphin of the University of British Columbia believe that people with this disease have inspired the legend of vampire and werewolf.

In fact, this disease can also be connected with the garlic. According Dr.Dolphin, garlic contain chemicals that can aggravate the disease. This causes Porphyria sufferers will definitely stay away from garlic.

Porphyria is estimated to strike one out of every 200,000 people and still no cure. If there are 6 billion people, then that means there are around 30,000 sufferers in the world porphyria.
Apart from Porphyria, there are other vampire websites claiming that vampires are those who are infected with the retrovirus, an RNA virus that replicates itself inside the host via a specific enzyme to produce DNA from the genome RNAnya.

The vampire in this group believe that these retroviruses have made them become stronger, more resistant to illness, instincts are better and faster moving. They also admitted that they always feel deprived of blood, so they also require the consumption of blood from the outside.

However, this theory is still not proven scientifically because currently there are only three known type of retrovirus that can infect humans (one of which is HIV). Retrovirus that causes vampirisme not or have never been found at all.

Actually, I get a few dozen questions about the vampire. But most questions are based on the supposition that modern-day vampire vampire exactly the same as Hollywood. I guess my question is already answered above. Vampires are people too modern for some reason that has one or more characteristics of the Hollywood vampire.

For this type of vampire, yes, they exist and live like ordinary human beings. Of course, with little difference in practice.
In the stacking of multiple sources.

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