5 Countries in the World is on the verge of collapse:War, murder, and genocide in the name of anything is not justified, because all this will only make futile previous life and life will come to suffer. Many of the wars being fought on earth, with various kilahan like for humanity, democracy and world peace, but it was all a kilahan justify the actions of tyrants or dictators. Here are five countries that the community and political life on the edge of destruction:
1. Ivory Coast
Côte d'Ivoire is a country just recovering from violent conflict, an event that starts with reluctant resignation of Laurent Gbagbo, the president incumbent.
He then sparked the conflict by attacking the Alassane Ouattara, a presidential candidate who won the elections by a small voice but gaining certification from international parties. Due to the occurrence of conflict at least 1,200 civilians were killed. This conflict also led to economic growth are at their lowest. The conflict ended after troops Ouattara supporters of Gbagbo's residence peppered with gunpowder storm, then caught it. And now Ouattara led the government of Ivory Coast, and have tried to restore the situation quickly.
2. Iraq
U.S. troops invaded the country of Iraq in 2003, with a reason to save democracy and save the Iraqis from Saddam Hussein's regime.
Today the conflict has subsided, although still been some violence, but as many as 3 million people have fled the Iraqi state, and as much as 22.9% people living in poverty, 78% still undergoing education and 17.5% are unemployed.
3. Afghanistan
After the United States liberated Afghanistan from Taliban rule, the condition of the country is becoming increasingly unpalatable.Afghanistan is currently led by Hamid Karzai, a corrupt bureaucrat, who did not seem capable and ready to overcome the poverty that plagued his country. Levels of violence against women is very common, and now Afghanistan was ranked eighth as the country with the highest mortality rates in the world.
4. Zimbabwe
Country located on the continent of Africa is one of the world's poorest countries, and countries with the lowest income level as well. There is only one blanket and into the atmosphere in this country: fear.The violence is very common in this country, Zimbabwe is a country with rates of HIV / AIDS is very high, a state claim as many as 1.3 million people living with AIDS. While the president Robert Mugabe a dictator yankni, live in luxury and sparkling treasures while millions of people in Zimbabwe are starving.
5. Haiti
A major earthquake meluluh lantakkan of Haiti in 2010, which was also almost the case of a dictatorship, but nevertheless occurs.
This large earthquake killed thousands of people even 20% of government workers have contributed to the victim. Various humanitarian aid have been sent to Haiti, so that hundreds of people were killed and some falling debris washed up sea water. Prior to the occurrence of large earthquakes Haiti is a country located at the edge of destruction, both economically and politically
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