10 state full of chaos
Here are 10 of the most gruesome, hideous, and terrifying world. Most of them are caused by war, murder, robbery, assault, kidnapping, rape, etc.. In addition, because of the extreme temperatures that do not allow it to survive.
1. Russia
In Russia, there are more gangsters than police. The Russians are killed every 18 minute, and occurred on average 84 murders a day of the toal population of 143 million inhabitants.
Center for Russian crimes in Chechnya Republic, Russia precisely the area in north Georgia. Prostitution, drug trafficking, an underground restaurant and arbitrarily controlled by the Chechens.
Foreigners kidnapped more frequently because of a higher ransom. Other criminal acts: theft of wallets, cell phones, cameras, money, and physical assault. Super-Power of the country to third world countries wondered whether communism is really a cure for Russia.
2. Brazil
If you want to travel to Brazil, no matter whether you are going to be robbed, but the problem is only time! Social gap was still increasing in addition to incredible wealth in the country's economic growth has continued to climb this.
But with increasing prosperity, the crime rate also jumped the bandwagon. Crime in the streets continues rampant in parts of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paolo, and many victims are left unharmed, they took a broken bottle to hit to your neck because you wear the bracelet.
The incidence of "rapidly kidnapping" growing in big cities. They forced the victim to menambil money at an ATM for ransom. If the victim can not pay, they can call their parents or their families at home.
In addition to street crime, organized criminal groups fighting the police and other public institutions that can not be bribed.
Unrest in the brutal prison became increasingly, drugs and narco-terrorism haunts the civilian population. And if you survived the whole disaster - the piranhas are waiting for you.
3. South Africa
This country once known as the "rape capital of the world".
Although rape cases have seen tend to drop to 113,700 in 2004, but climbed back to 2005 up to number 118 300 cases.
Other Statistics for South Africa show the gruesome murder case of a high rate. The host World Cup 2010 was being constantly in the list of top 5 negara2 the highest murder rates. Most crimes occur poor areas.
Farming in South Africa has become one of the most dangerous professions in the world. The rate of homicide for the farmers is 313,000 - about 8 times the average murder rate nationwide. And everywhere, the sex can be very dangerous in South Africa, where more than 10 million people contract the HIV virus.
4. Burundi
Here is a small but densely populated poor countries has a very big problem. The civil war between ethnic Hutus and Tutsis tribes scatters the nation between 1993 to 2006.
Truce senjatapun launched yet most food supplies fail to be implemented. Mass murder and chaos to compete with environmental issues as the biggest headache for the people of Burundi. Extensive list of assassinated leaders, and control the nation has often changed hands since last 50 years.
Crimes committed by gang wandering and armed children is a threat to visitors. Mugging, carjacking and kidnapping menngintai any time, therefore you are advised not to stop the car to buy souvenirs-eye.
If you are injured or diciderai in Burundi, you may need to master medical techniques, as most local clinics there do not have enough resources to help you.
5. Antarctica
When murder, rape and robbery may not be a big problem in parts of the world, another case with the natural conditions here are very unfriendly.
Antarctica is home to some extreme weather conditions, with the mercury falling regularly below -60 degrees Celsius (-100F) and winds blowing more than 100km per hour.
If you are naked in this weather for over an hour, you would surely die. Antarctica has no hospitals, no food to eat and when you lose, there's not much hope. But at least there is a McDonalds at the Scott Base shop if you find it.
6. Afghanistan
This country for hundreds of years, becoming one of the regions in the world's most strategic and contested by many parties. Though these countries include poor country, difficult to develop, and have economic and political situation unstable.
At the time of the Soviet Union invaded the region, the Russian Red Army planted more than 12 million landmines in Afghanistan. Hundreds of people were killed, torn apart, and paralyzed by a mine blast mounted. After the Soviet Union came to the Taliban, the Taliban banned women from state control and university jobs.
In 2001, the United States overthrew the Taliban. But burglary, ethnic rivalry and the use of illegal drugs are rampant violence has led to describe this state becomes unstable. Suicide bombing is a constant threat, and nobody in Afghanistan is safe.
The suicide attack is the deadliest place in Baghlan province in November 2007, which killed more than 70 people. In addition, Afghanistan also includes the largest supplier of cannabis and opium in the world.
7. Somalia
Somalia is a country whose governments fail to result from anarkinya, corruption, lack of government, and famine. Tourists are warned not to enter Somalia, which declared its "Independence of the Republic of Somaliland" or sailing near "Horn of Africa".
Pirates oversee these waters are equipped with AK-47 and will seize and hold your barang2 to be ransom. A fight between the tribes have asked thousands of lives in northern Somalia. While in the capital, Mogadishu fought over by many tribes and warlords.
Ethiopia had attacked Islamiah soldiers in Somalia in late 2006, and caused hundreds of deaths and thousands of evictees. If you are really forced into this area, make sure your insurance is still valid.
8. Sudan
Despair, death and destruction was a "symbol" of the Sudanese state.
Terrorism is the main problem of this nation, which has been ruled by military regimes since independence Islamiah. Some famous killer the world has set foot in Sudan.
They perform an action with a car bomb, rocket launch and mass slaughter. Violence occurs in many areas in Darfur between government militias pemback-ups, government troops and local insurgent groups.
Sudan also has menyebabkani open war with Cad related to the Darfur conflict. Since 2003, 230,000 Sudanese refugees have fled into eastern Chad from Darfur.
More than two million people died in two civil wars that occurred during the last 50 years. With the bleak conditions gurunnya, Sudan is one of the ugliest places on the planet.
9. Colombia
Kidnapping is a major problem in Colombia. At least there has been 2338 cases of kidnapping in Colombia in 1998. And 138 of whom had been killed by his captors.
Was ranked fourth of the world as a "killer country" with a total of murders reached 696,800 cases in 2006. The main target of the killers were the mayor, dozens of them are killed every year.
And of course, who can forget the cocaine? Colombia supplies 75% of the world's cocaine supply and thanks to Pablo Escobar and the Cali Cartel, paramilitary groups that have been fighting the government in a bloody conflict with no end.
In 2005, Catholic missionaries killed five people, down from 9 in 1999. Beautiful beaches and rugged mountains in Colombia should make it a paradise for tourists, but maybe this place can be the most dangerous place to visit.
10. Iraq
It does not matter whether you are George Bush, Pele or Chuck Norris - you will never be safe in Iraq. Although the country is rich in oil reserves, but Iraq is a devastated country where synonymous with violence, despair and confusion.
Since 2003, the United States has occupied Iraq and caused a civil war that asks the victim more than 650,000 civilians. Al-Qaeda, Sunni insurgents, Shiite security forces, Kurdish rebels, U.S. soldiers, Turkish soldiers and criminals involved in the cycle of violence that unfortunately will not subside quickly each time.
Improvised mines / Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), Explosively Formed Penetrators (EFPs) and minefields are constant threats, like the suicide bombers who have killed hundreds of people.
Kidnappings and random killings are reported with almost makes the mind numbing frequency. Since 2003, 2 million Iraqis have fled to neighboring countries and another 1.9 million remain in Iraq with the displaced from their homes.
Spent uranium is used as the round to penetrate the armor will poison Iraqi civilians and U.S. mechanic for several decades. Really, this is hell on earth.
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