
How to take care Brazillian Turtle

N5VM6A5ZJ6REBrazil turtle is one of the turtles that have been popular maintained. Brazil turtle also known as turtle red-ear slider or Latin trachemys scripta elegans In this sheet maintenance, general maintenance will be discussed for this species. Search / further research is essential to establish the best treatment plan for the species is maintained.

Maintenance Indoor (Indoor)

Form of accommodation in a room that's most useful is the aquarium. For puppies turtles, recommended water depths between 7.5 cm sampat 15 cm with stones rocks to dry areas to berjemurnya. Size of the aquarium that is suitable for puppies is 60 cm or 75 cm x 30 cm. When the turtles have grown large, their habitat should be replaced even greater. Brazil turtles are good swimmers so water depth is not an important factor when they mature. A depth of 20 cm to 60 cm is sufficient to turtles between 10 cm and adult turtles.

Water quality is very important for turtles. Many problems that occur in water turtles can be avoided if the keepers use a little time and money to design and

purchase a filter system for the tortoise. For an adult turtle, we recommend using a filter tube (canister) because they are easy to clean and provide good quality water filter. Tillers turtles may be somewhat difficult because the water is shallow. Thus the powerhead sponge filter or filters can be used for shallow water. Frequently change the water becomes a necessity or obligation.
Image Lamp

Reflector lamps should be used as a drying facility (basking). Reflector is best positioned to provide a basking spot is 32 degrees Celsius in one area of ​​the habitat. Habitat should also be equipped with full spectrum fluorescent light to provide UVB. UVB source is necessary for the synthesis of Vitamin D3 which is needed in calcium metabolism. Mercury Vapor lamps can also be used to meet the need for warmth and UV rays. Water plants or plastic plants are encouraged to give a sense of security and hiding places.

Maintenance Outdoor (Outdoor)

Anti-predator habitat provides many advantages over indoor accommodations and should be considered as an option in warm weather.
Swimming can be made in a safe environment to make the outdoors more comfortable habitat. Larger pool could use a filter to provide shelter spetakuler for your turtle.


Be careful not to give excessive eating. For adult turtles is recommended only feeding 2 to 3 times per week and every day or every two days for turtles puppies that are growing rapidly. Slider will consume vegetables, leafy greens like mustard greens, turnip greens, dandelion, spinach, carrots, zucchini and water plants such as duckweed, water lettuce, water hyacinth etc.. They also consume insects, worms, and fish. Many commercial turtle foods on the market has become an excellent food for turtles sliders.

Additional calcium supplementation is essential. Calcium powder can be sprinkled on food. Maintenance is recommended to use calcium supplements with vitamin D3 if the animal is kept indoors (indoor) and calcium without D3 if kept outdoors (outdoor). Provision of cuttlefish bone (Cuttlefish bone) is also recommended to be eaten up.how


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