Blood Sweat often interpreted workhorse. But what happened to Dora Indrayanti Trimurni (25) is really literal. He had a rare medical problem in which blood is fresh out of the pores of the scalp and ears. When dijenguk in the RS M Djamil Padang, the young girl was still smiling despite more than a week in intensive care, because of unique illnesses suffered. Fresh blood is often out of the pores of the head and ears when he thinks too much.
"The good we let him rest first. As seen, when this condition is far better than when treated in the ICU 2 X 24 hours yesterday," said Head of Public Relations M Djamil Hospital Padang, Gustavianof, told AFP during a visit to the infirmary in the disease RS M Djamil, Wednesday (01/06/2011).
Dora, VI semester student of Faculty of Law, University of Bung Hatta (UBH) Padang, the last few days since the opinion was widespread attention. In addition to suffering from the disease which was considered strange, beautiful woman with cropped hair gain sympathy because it also had a great life story biasa.Menurut Gustavianof, Dora has actually experienced this condition since the last two years. Disease is rare and has not been established until now.
Blood will be dripping like sweat from the pores of the head when she was thinking too hard. In fact, not infrequently blood coming out of the ear, nose, and mouth.
"Early diagnosis showed patients had a situation where easy bleeding. These conditions, due to abnormalities of blood vessels, the content of platelets in the blood, and blood clotting. Patients with bleeding in the mouth, ears, and nose are common. But, the bleeding that occurs in the pore pore-head like that of countless rare Dora, "he explained.
According Gustavianof, it has made some efforts of testing to know exactly what the illness suffered by Dora. The team also had to deal with doctors who perform computer radiography scanner (CT Scan) in the patient's head but did not find any abnormalities.
"Monday or next Tuesday we will take blood samples directly to Jakarta to be examined in one laboratory. We're going to bring patients to the airport by ambulance and took a blood sample so the plane will depart. It had to be done due to the examination required fresh blood taken four hours before entering the lab, "explains Gustavianof.
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